Monday, December 15, 2008


I remembered my dreams right when I woke up, but then I got distracted and forgot them. Story of my life, dawg!

Foals are my new obsession. I love this song.

"Suns up we wait
all day
Suns up we wait
all day all day

the hell outsides kept away
if only we could move away
from here

This is how
we build a place
an aviary for today
an aviary for today

let's disappear till tomorrow
let's disappear till tomorrow
dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar

blow up these play parades
let's go
to an aviary far from home
to an aviary far from home

a one hand clap is me and you
and you and you and you
while the hell outsides kept away
if only we moved away

dis-a-ppe-ar ar ar ar

last vacation was the same
we got moved away
last vacation was the same
we got moved away
last vacation was the same
we got moved away

sun down now we have built
our place
an aviary forever
an aviary forever
forever forever


Yeah it's pretty good.

Yesterday I really found a lot of motivation and inspiration that I knew was coming my way. I liked it. Why is life so complicated? Why do I have to own so many things? Or spend so much money? The simple life is where it's at. Who wants to buy my clothes??! All of them!

Kidding. Peace Sucka freeeeeeee moNdAeeeeeee!

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